Monday, July 13, 2009

The Journey Begins

As it began on the eve of Thanksgiving 1991 and continues to this day, the simplicity, fullness and profundity embodied within the mandala know as the PHOENIC HOLOGRAM continues, as does the unconditional nature of what it represents...LOVE...UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!!!

LOVE heals ALL...Stories of the PHOENIC HOLOGRAM,
will offer the reader insight into what has become my responsibility and passion over the last 18 years. The real-life stories of those whose lives have been changed by this seemingly innocuous symbol of LOVE will grow with every post.

Just to wet your appitite, one day in the mail approximately a dozen years ago, I received a letter from woman in Alabama who had been involved for a short time with a spiritual group which had left her disturbed and unable to have a full night's rest since leaving the group. This had carried on for if my memory serves me correctly, over 3 years. She had gotten a hold of a PH laminated card and had placed it under pillow just before bedtime. That night, with the PH under her pillow was the first time since leaving this spiritual group, she not only slept through the night but felt a distinct heaviness leave her body and experienced her personal joy return.

Much more to come!

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