Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Risking the Acension Process

With all we have accomplished as a race over the centuries, the one thing which keeps coming back to mind, as I ponder the state of the world and its humanity, is how we have collectively complicated our journey. Through the complication of an ever-increasing technology base, we continue to effectively remove ourselves from a clear view of the source of all that is...

Materialism, technology and science along with all those categories of the ever-complex mind which create comfort for the ego, continue to remove us from the true and simple nature of who we are and how we got here. Historically, the most simple way is usually the best and most direct. This is not to diminish the accomplishments of our technology, for humanity is at the "event horizon" of a new and wondrous age of spiritual technology which will offer an unprecedented evolution to humankind.

This is seen in no better expression than in the field of Quantum Particle Wave Physics. To understand, from a scientific viewpoint, who we are and how we are all connected throughout the universe, offers unlimited evolutionary possibilities.

What we must all be mindful of is how all our levels of comfort technology can and do not only get in out way, but prohibit us from truth and happiness. This can be no better expressed than saying and expressing the four letter word: LOVE

By and through this one word alone, we can and do change everything...

Ponder this for awhile and I'll add more later...SaTerraji

Monday, July 13, 2009

The Journey Begins

As it began on the eve of Thanksgiving 1991 and continues to this day, the simplicity, fullness and profundity embodied within the mandala know as the PHOENIC HOLOGRAM continues, as does the unconditional nature of what it represents...LOVE...UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!!!

LOVE heals ALL...Stories of the PHOENIC HOLOGRAM,
will offer the reader insight into what has become my responsibility and passion over the last 18 years. The real-life stories of those whose lives have been changed by this seemingly innocuous symbol of LOVE will grow with every post.

Just to wet your appitite, one day in the mail approximately a dozen years ago, I received a letter from woman in Alabama who had been involved for a short time with a spiritual group which had left her disturbed and unable to have a full night's rest since leaving the group. This had carried on for if my memory serves me correctly, over 3 years. She had gotten a hold of a PH laminated card and had placed it under pillow just before bedtime. That night, with the PH under her pillow was the first time since leaving this spiritual group, she not only slept through the night but felt a distinct heaviness leave her body and experienced her personal joy return.

Much more to come!